There is no ready-made recipe
Here are some of my sources of inspiration for creating the support and tools that look like you:
Inspirations and tools:
Shared governance tools (Holocracy, Université du Nous, Gouvernance cellulaire )
Image theater and theatrical improvisation,
Capitalisation of positive experiences and creativity
Professional practice analysis,
Equine behaviorism,
Foundation for Shamanic Studies Michael Harner & Ulla Straessle,
Vipassana - S. N. Goenka,
Principles of permaculture,
Society for Organizational Learning SOL, Peter Senge
Some inspiring authors: Mashall B. Rosenberg, Anthony de Mello, Stephen R. Covey, M. Scott Peck, Paul Watzlawick, Erich Fromm, Viktor E. Frankle.
Animation/cooperation: Jürg Bichsel, Marc Thiébaud ( , Péan Rebetez, Bernard-Marie Chiquet, Peter Senge